Transparency: Opening Up to Resonate with a Better World

Seven octillion atoms make up our body, each 99.9999999% energy. Although we are not able to see it with our naked eyes, we are limitless energy beings.

So why are we not resonating with our endless transparent energy nature? What are we resonating with instead? What is that which is limiting our unlimited wellbeing? What is patterning our limitless energy confining us instead of setting us free to resonate with who we really are? What is constraining our energy resonance to live our best...

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Quartz Crystals: Connecting the Dots Between Sacred Geometry and our Resonance

Every piece of information we are exposed to becomes part of our mind cloud and what we resonate with and don’t. In this way we begin resonating with others’ experiences, rather than our own —including many of the unwanted stories we live.  

We consume infinite amounts of information and data over time. Not all of it is constructive or positive for our growth. Through the information we are exposed to we consume fear, confusion, chaos, and pain, which later become...

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Quartz Crystals: Symbols to Balance Our Resonance

Aware or not, the repeating information we continuously receive from our surroundings inside our mind cloud,becomes what we resonate with, preventing us from perceiving and living our own wholeness and our best version of life and reality. 

The problem here is that we usually cant discern information from misinformation, and this affects us without even knowing or noticing so. This is because we receive unconsciously large amounts of data non stop—among them words and...

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Neutralizing Addiction: Outplaying Misinformation to Recover Our Resonance

Most of the patterns and belief systems that shape us earlier in life we inherit unconsciously from others.

Growing up surrounded by so many different circumstances can lead to many of us experiencing suffering and separation. The problem is that through resonance, suffering triggers more suffering, and separation brings more separation. From a vibrational perspective, the pains in the shape of thoughts, emotions, and experiences set up this specific resonance inside our minds and...

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Developing a Resonance Strategy

Develop a Resonance Strategy and regain your path.

We are all biased in many aspects of our lives and find ourselves often repeating the recurrent information handed down to us by others, without questioning it. Even worse, many times we take postures we dont really feel or really believe in, without noticing it.

It seems we inherit so much from our families, schools of life, and surroundings that it is hard to identify what we actually want, stand for, and desire genuinely.

While most...

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Restoring Connection: Crystals, the Earth, and Our Deepest Selves

In today’s world, connection is necessary for many of us. 

So what does connection actually mean? And how can we get more of it in our separated world? 

First, it’s important to remember that whatever we see without begins within. If we want to dissolve disconnection in the world, we must first look inward to uncover and transcend the disconnection inside us—inside our mind clouds and all the information we’ve collected from the outside and have learned to...

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Quartz Crystals: A Bridge to Healing and Transformation

The world today is in transition and in need of healing. Collectively and individually, we’ve faced upheaval, loss, and change; and more is on the horizon. It’s a time for transformation and healing—a time to replace divisiveness with inclusion and neutrality in order to make the world a better place for us all. 

What if I told you I know of a tool that can help? Quartz crystals used as tools for inner work can powerfully impact our lives and make positive...

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New Information for Our Mind Clouds’ Gender Program

Our perspectives and engagement with the world are formed by the information in our mind cloud. We resonate with that information; and our resonance creates our reality. No wonder, then, that we reject on autopilot—sometimes strongly—information that isn’t in our mind cloud. No wonder that we tend to see those whose realities seem different from our own as “others.” No wonder we feel so divided.

What’s great is that the very same resonance concept means...

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Transcending Exclusion to Create a World that Includes Us All

Two things are true of all of us—without exception. First, human beings are excluding beings. We all exclude what we don’t perceive as “belonging” to us.

Second, that’s not who we are at our baseline. In fact, quite the opposite is true. We are at our core, without exception, interconnected, undivided, inclusive beings. All of us together form an energetic whole.

Our learned exclusion damages not only the collective us but also each of us individually. Exclusion...

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A Little Help to Transcend: The Tools to Help Overcome Your Father Program

We all have a father program in our mind cloud. That program guides the way we engage with ourselves and with the world. And it helps create the issues we deal with in our lives and the patterns we repeat. Whatever our individual difficult experiences of fatherhood— a father who was physically or emotionally absent, separation from dad by divorce, or stepdad issues, to name a few—those experiences coded our father program. In addition, the behaviors and perspectives of our father...

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Do you know what you are resonating with now?

Start identifying your resonance with our FREE Starters Meditation.